The ??ll?w?? G?lf Company ?? ?n? of th? w?rld’? best kn?wn br?nd? of pr?m?um g?lf equipment. ??ll?w?? manufactures v?r??u? g?lf club ?nclud?ng w??d?, irons, w?dg??, ?nd putters. ?h?? also pr?duc? g?lf balls ?nd l?c?n??? its n?m? f?r apparel, f??tw??r, ?nd accessories. ??ll?w?? Golf ?l?? ?wn? and m?nuf?ctur?? pr?duct? under th? ?d????? putter br?nd ?? well ?? ??p-Fl?t? and ??n ??g?n brands.
The c?mp?n? f?r?t made ?t? n?m? building club? th?t were fr??ndl? ?nd forgiving f?r ?m?t?ur golfers, but b?c?m? famous f?r ?t? success ?m?ng n?t?bl? professionals ?nd ?nd?r??r? that ?nclud? ?h?l Mickelson, R?cc? ??d??t?, Arnold ??lm?r, G?r? Player, ?nd Johnny ??ll?r.
??ll?w?? Golf ?? p?rh?p? best kn?wn f?r its ??g ??rth? drivers, th? ?ndu?tr?’? first w?d? b?d?, stainless ?t??l w??d and th? club that l?unch?d th? company t? ?c?n?c status ?m?ng pr? and ?m?t?ur g?lf?r?. ?h? ??g Bertha w?uld put Callaway g?lf ?nt? the f?r?fr?nt ?f golfer’s m?nd? ?? they r??l?z?d th?t “Bertha” w?uld h?lp them w?th l?ng drives b???nd th??r own ?xp?ct?t??n?.
?h? c?mp?n? was f?und?d ?n 1982 b? f?rm?r Burlington ?ndu?tr??? t?xt?l? president ?l? ??ll?w??. A d?n?m?c l??d?r and f?m?u?l? ?ucc???ful businessman, ?r. ??ll?w?? sold h?? ??m?cul?, CA-based w?n?r? f?r a n?c? pr?f?t and w?? ?nj???ng a br??f r?t?r?m?nt before ?dd?ng club maker t? h?? resume.
??v?r ?n? to ??t ?dl?, he w?? pl???ng plenty ?f g?lf and w?? ?n the l??k?ut f?r new bu??n??? ?pp?rtun?t??? when h? ?p?tt?d a w??d?n p?tch?ng wedge ?n ? Palm ?pr?ng?-?r?? g?lf shop. ?h? club was r?m?n??c?nt ?f the h?ck?r?-?h?ft?d club? he h?d u??d as ? ch?ld, but th?? ?h?ft was h?ll?w?d ?nd filled w?th ? steel c?r? f?r consistency ?nd ?tr?ngth. He b?ught h?lf of ??ck?r? ?t?ck USA ?nd r?n?m?d it th? ??ll?w?? Hickory ?t?ck U??.
?r. Callaway w?? w?ll known f?r th?nk?ng big, ?nd h? did th?? ? lot wh?n f?rm?ng and gr?w?ng h?? company. ??d??, the c?mp?n? c?nt?nu?? to d?v?l?p ?nd manufacture t?chn?l?g?c?ll? ?dv?nc?d golf ?qu?pm?nt, ?nclud?ng its l?n? ?f two- ?nd thr??-p??c? golf b?ll?, ?? well ?? ?t? Fusion F?-3 Dr?v?r, which c?mb?n?? t?t?n?um and c?rb?n c?mp???t? materials ?nd ?ll?w? golfers t? ch???? internal w??ght?ng ?pt??n? that c?n c?unt?r?ct a ?l?c? ?r hook ?r ?nh?nc? a dr?w ?r fade.
??ll?w?? ?? preparing t? r?l???? their l?t??t dr?v?r the, F-?? – a n?w t?chn?l?g? in dr?v?r? w?th a ?qu?r? h??d. Phil ??ck?l??n u??d two v?r???n? ?f the dr?v?r – a dr?w ?nd a f?d? – in h?? 2006 Masters v?ct?r?. ?w?d??h sensation ?nn?k? ??r?n?t?m, who h?? u??d and ?nd?r??d ??ll?w?? Golf ?qu?pm?nt f?r her ?nt?r? pr? career, b?c?m? th? only w?m?n t? shoot 59 ?n competition ?n 2001 and ?n 2006 used th? F?-3 Driver t? ??rn her 10th m?j?r championship v?ct?r?.